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A Gentleman Should Take Care Of… Never Take Advantage Of…

A Gentleman Should Take Care Of… Never Take Advantage Of…

As gentleman, you have a certain job to fulfil on the dance floor – to guide the lady. We’re here to take care of the lady so that she’s free to dance to her full potential. We, as gentleman, are the frame and the lady is the picture. Here are some basic etiquette rules to follow when dancing with your partner to ensure everyone has a good time.

First, and foremost, we always want to make sure that lady is comfortable dancing… So never try to dance her through things you don’t think she knows. Sometimes this is ok, but don’t use your knowledge to show-off in the wrong way. If you go overboard with fancy steps, you may deter the lady from dancing with you in the future.

The second, under no circumstances should you EVER dance an advanced dance with them if you haven’t before or if you know for a fact that they don’t know that dance. For example, Viennese Waltz. A dance like this is dangerous for both the lady and gentleman if they’re not used to dancing it with each other, or dancing it in general. Be smart in choosing your partner for a fast Viennese Waltz. And, likewise, if
you don’t know the dance, don’t attempt it without consulting your teacher.

The third & final rule: Never let the lady sit out! Remember traditionally, it’s up to the man to invite the lady onto the dance floor. So make sure you ask everyone to dance! (But ladies, in these modern times, you can ask a gentlemen to dance as well!)

So there you have it, a few basic etiquette rules to keep everyone enjoying their time on the dance floor. Use your skills wisely and everyone will have fun!

How Do I Pick My First Routine?

How Do I Pick My First Routine?

There are a few things you should consider when trying to pick your first routine to make sure you have a fun journey leading up to your performance!

One way, and possibly the most obvious, is to pick your favourite and most comfortable dance. If you’re a newer student and feel very comfortable with Foxtrot, go with that option. Your first routine should be fun and exciting – we can save the challenging dances for your later routines! Likewise, if you absolutely LOVE the Rumba, but you’re uncomfortable with it, choose that one to lift it to the level of your other dances. There’s no rule to picking your first routine as long as it’s an enjoyable experience.

If you’re unsure, you can always let your teacher pick one for you. Your Arthur Murray Crows Nest teachers know what dances would be spectacular for you for your first time out – trust them. They’re here to help and they’ll never steer you in the wrong direction.

All in all, your first routine is an exciting time for you in the Studio. It’s almost like a rite of passage. Throw caution to the wind and have fun! You might be nervous but you will find that it is so incredibly rewarding!

Why Do We Love to Dance?

Why Do We Love to Dance?

Do you remember the first day you stepped into the Studio? Like many, I’m sure you were feeling mixed emotions – anxiety, excitement, maybe even a little fear… All of those feelings are perfectly normal and developed into your love for that which we call ballroom and latin dancing! The great thing about dancing is that it makes us happy – and scientifically, let’s see how!

Whenever we do any form of exercise, in this case dancing, our body produces chemicals called ‘endorphins’. Endorphins make you happy! This is the same chemical, ironically enough, that’s released when we eat chocolate! That’s why we feel a sense of happiness during and shortly after eating our favourite sweets!

If you’ve ever had a workout in the gym, you notice that for a period after, you feel happy, relieved, excited, etc… This is the same effect that we receive when we dance!

In short, make sure you keep dancing hard to get the ‘happy’ effects!

Dance Away Alzheimer’s

Dance Away Alzheimer’s

There has always been research having to do with preventing Alzheimer’s. This disease effects the brain, memory, thinking, and behavioural functions, to name a few. It’s certainly something to try and avoid through keeping the brain active.

On-going research relating Alzheimer’s and ballroom dancing has continuously confirmed that this form of exercise and hobby is a deterrent for this disease.

How does this hobby do this, you may ask?

When we learn something new, in this case ballroom dancing, we use parts of our brain that sometimes we’re not used to using. We’re using the part of the brain that helps us remember certain things. Exercising the brain is just like exercising the body— the more you use it, the more healthy it will stay! If we keep using that brain to remember our techniques, steps, styles, and dances, we increase the chances that we will have a healthier brain for a much longer period of time.

Make sure you keep dancing, not only for the excellent physical benefits, but for the added mental effects as well. The brain should be treated as a muscle that needs to be worked out to stay in shape and what better way to do it then dance the night away!

Keeping Cool On The Dance Floor

Keeping Cool On The Dance Floor

A little bit of sweat never hurt anyone.

Perspiring is your body’s clever way of cooling down, detoxifying and boosting endorphins. It’s also a pretty good sign that you’ve been dancing up a storm and having a good time. What’s not to like about that?

Having said this, you probably don’t want to be dripping buckets during an intense class or when you’re testing your moves on the dance floor while enjoying a night out with friends. And you definitely want to stay as dry as possible, if you’re competing at an event and all eyes are glued to you.

You shouldn’t feel bad if you sweat during latin dancing, it comes with the territory and fits with the primal mood. All the same, there’s no need to look as though you got caught in a downpour of torrential rain if you can avoid it.

Luckily there are ways to stay cool and keep sweat to a minimum, especially when the mercury rises during searing Australian summers.

How to stay cool on the dance floor


Take a bottle with you and make sure you drink water between dances. It’s also a good idea to snack on fruit and vegetables before class, rather than high-fat and protein-heavy meals (which tend to lift your body temperature as your body digests them).

Suitable clothing

Cotton hold moisture for longer, so breathable and light synthetics (such as polyester) tend to be a better choice since they dry faster. You can pack a few extra shirts with you, for when the one you’re wearing gets a bit ripe.

Wearing a t-shirt under a dressier shirt can also help to absorb most of the moisture, so it won’t show on your dress shirt. A guayabera is a good choice for an outer-shirt since its loose fit keeps your body cooler, and the undershirt contains most of the sweat. They’re mostly advertised for men, but women can wear them too.

Women who sweat a lot should steer clear of tops that expose their back (unless you don’t mind seeing your partner cringe when their hand makes contact with your drenched skin). Blouses and dresses that cover your back are a good option.

Tie your hair up

Don’t forget that hair retains heat, so wearing it off your neck and face will help you feel cooler.

Take a towel

Keep a small towel handy so you can pat yourself dry between songs. You can even make a quick dash to the bathroom and wash your face if you need to. Some dancers like to use a sport chamois to dry off, since this is reusable, lightweight and dries quickly.

Wear a strong anti-perspirant

Wearing an anti-perspirant can keep sweat and odour at bay. If you don’t feel comfortable with wearing chemical deodorants, you can clean under your arms with wipes during your bathroom break. Showering a few hours before your class can also help to keep you fresh for longer.

Some people have a medical condition that causes excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). If you suspect this is you, it’s a good idea to see a doctor, because there are treatments available.

Never let your sweating stop you from dancing…

If you’ve tried everything, but still sweat too much, don’t sweat it! Although perspiring isn’t pleasant, it’s not the end of the world either. Chances are you won’t be the only one sweating and you’ll be too caught in the moment to notice anyway.

Why not work up a sweat at Arthur Murray?

Feel free to contact us if you want to start learning ballroom, latin, Swing, Waltz, Salsa, Cha Cha, Tango, Merengue, Foxtrot or Rumba!